
The Signal/Noise (Sygnał/Szum) concert series was born as a response to an undeveloped niche in this area of ​​culture in Płock. Although earlier there were attempts in the city to organize concerts of experimental, exploratory and avant-garde music, but these were either one-off events or ended after several editions.

The initiator and curator of the series is Piotr Dąbrowski – Płock-based musician, producer and sound engineer. From the very beginning, he is responsible not only for the selection of artists, but also for the visual identification of the series, media activities and audio and video production during events. Since 2018, thanks to the established Nobiscum Foundation, the series has operated independently, first thanks to the foundation’s own funds, and then thanks to the funding received from the Mazovian Voivodeship Self-government.

Parallel to the series of concerts, in Płock hosted a series of podcasts by Piotr Dąbrowski devoted to music promoted by the concert series.

In 2019, thanks to the aforementioned co-financing, the series, apart from strictly concert events, was enriched with performative and educational events (concerning the issues of soundscape, field recordings, found sound) as well as workshops (as part of the classes entitled “From sound to image” aimed at younger audience and led by Piotr Dąbrowski and Mirosław Cegłowski).

The Signal/Noise website (in Polish only):