Sound walk in the former Jewish district of Płock as part of the Signal/Noise project

On Saturday, September 30, as part of this year’s Signal/Noise series, which the Nobiscum Foundation is implementing thanks to funding from the budget of the Mazovian Voivodeship, I would like to invite you to a sound walk around the former Jewish district of Płock.
The walk starts at 1 p.m. The meeting place is the Square of the Executed 13. The walk around the Jewish district will take approximately 1.5 hours. Participation is free of charge, but requires confirmation: or by phone +48 574 188 454
During the walk, we will listen to sounds in places that were once full of life of the Płock Jewish community. We will consider the origin and role of these sounds in the process of (non)remembering, as well as the audiosphere, irretrievably lost and not recorded in any way, although sometimes described in literary texts.
You will not need any recording equipment to participate in the walk, although participants will of course be able to make recordings if they wish.
More information (in Polish):
PS: three days later – on October 3 – another sound walk will take place, this time led by Marcin Dymiter, with whom I will also talk about the book “Maszyny do ciszy” [“Machines for Silence”] and who will play a concert as Emiter.